Monday, November 24, 2008

Bad Desicions

Today its gone
and just like that
you had your chance

you were too full of yourself
and your bad decisions
infected everyone else


I thought I saw your face in the crowd of people
You were looking to down to avoid the trouble
the distance makes
Or were you something else I saw, so I followed you
to the station and I followed you through the night
but I'd lost you by the morning

You traveled crossing states just to hide from no one
living a lie, just to prove who you are

But I saw you on the train in my dream last night
you were covered in fear like inkblood on fake suicide letters

It's been written on you brain and hidden in your heart
if you try to hard then your bound to fall apart

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Three Islands (Gondwana pt. 2)

Three islands tore apart from the earth
bearing creatures that were hidden from the curse
untouched by human bone-written down in an unknown tone
I think they're hiding Gondwanaland

Can we wait until the day when we will greet him on the shore
and if we wait we'll teach our children until they find our, they
find our home.

He broke your heart your all alone just drift away like an ocean ghost

Friday, August 22, 2008

Double Tounge

Go ahead and build those walls around your eyes
just keep in mind there are far better ways to act surprised
cause in the night-time when your all alone you can feel the
guilt in your bones

I saw a sign, you had a son, we broke our bones but we
carried on, can you learn to live like this even with a
double tounge brother in your life

Monday, July 14, 2008

Nephilem Dream

We will return to the wilderness
We will come to life
and we will have new flesh

but I can't keep your secrets in my sleep
and you can't keep them Demons up your sleeve

We will return to our home

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dragon Storm

In light of all these Hurricanes

I've found an answer and a face to blame

I'll tell you what you know man but you may not believe

There's Dragons in the storm clouds and lightening as they speak

You've got it all figured out

without a doubt you blame the Lord

But I'll tell you what I know man and you will not believe

There's Dragons in the storm clouds and lightening as they speak

I know why you blame the Lord it's because of the Dragon storm

I know a place I can't explain I've been there before but it's out of range

and If you close your eyes then maybe you will see there's a world yet undiscovered

somewhere in between

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Ocean

This land was once and Ocean so big that it didn't have a shore and it didn't have a home

and sometimes I fell as though I'm built like a boat

I've got a few leaks and nowhere to row

I know that it hurts so bad deep inside but wait a little longer
you don't know where the wind might blow you
I know that it hurts so bad deep inside but I know where the wind blows
somewhere where the lies won't find you

I see the shore but it's probably just an Island

I feel the sand but it slowly slips away

These waves keep pushing me around but I feel the wind

and I think it's going to change

There's an ocean in the back of your mind

and the water is your life

we could sail to the edge of time cause the wind is on your side

The Terrorphins Diary

Some thoughts curl up and fade into the darkness

He's on your mind your thinking about the Terrorphin

You know he knows your name I know he's in your brain

just wait the Terrorphin will tell you, I'll have your heart for breakfast

when I went out to sea i had more than one diary

but the storm turned on me so I threw one back to sea

and my words found their home, lying on the Terrorphin's tongue

and from that day no ones heard a word from the Terrorphin

I'd like to read the diary of the Terrorphin He knows the truth he whispers to the seashells

when the storm finally cleared we sailed into shore

I met with the king and queen and showed them my report

I don't want your diary show me to the silver I don't want your diary

tell me where the gold is hiding

Island Dogg

And in these ancient waters i sailed with my family

and when we reached dry land we vanished in the trees

your buried like the ocean's psalm

hiding in the angel trees

you've wandered far from home

you're lost like an Island dogg

like an Island dogg

we're on the shore and we know you're out there

all alone and lost in the forest

you've been buried by the oceans Psalm

written in the sand

you're lost like an Island dogg


Long ago in Gondwanaland you sold your lot for Laurasian sand

we found the deed for the human plan it was lodged in the bones of a Terrorphin

I know we won't survive we're stranded on the shores of a Pangien tide

and when we die you can change their mind and drop a giant crater at the edge of time

In the beast you had lost all hope it had your breath but it lacked a soul

Thus the giant resonates through man It was led astray like Gondwanaland

I've seen it done before, you want to start over so you sell the war

and all along you had these plans you sold our past to the Dragon's hand

He broke your heart

your all alone

just drift away

like an Ocean ghost


Little Wars

I know a place you can be like your parents were and finalize all them written words

just to call it a lie...

cause they fell asleep in the time of the Dinosaur

and now you fight all them little wars

just to get by

remember the time when you swam with the Terrorphin's

looking for evidence of a script that they hid

this land is patrolled from pole to pole by Island dogg who may never know

what it was like

Don't waste my time your a dinosaur and you fill the void like an open wound

yeah your acting like its alright to fight all them little wars that you hide inside

remember the time when we searched through your memory looking for evidence of a life that

you had hid

we waste all our time on little wars

that tug at our soul and never let go

they never let go

Colors Imbetween (Death of the Nephilim)

I woke up in a pool of blood lying in a cave

and so it seems i was fooled by the Island Dogg

I was led astray

my battled bones still weary from the sounds of war

that finalize each breath in shades of death

I'm on the ground about to die looking up with child-like eyes

the sky turned colors in between

in shades of love

shades of regret

in shades of death

There were no tears at the funeral

just 12 colors that appeared

they spoke a language foreign to any sound you've heard

they were assembled like a dream

I am a solider

I am a canvass

I used no colors in between

A year before the Dragon Storm

We kept to ourselves, but left our land behind

and so we sailed our Ark across the Pangeion line.

And we learned to sow our clothes from all the leaves

that had tumbled far from home.

And in the clouds above we saw our parents get along

It was a year before he tore our world apart
It was a year before i saw the Dragon Storm

And now we waste our life, fighting Dinosaurs

spending most our time hiding in the Angel tree

But we hid the script under roots and vines in hope that you might find.

Perry Lake

I know im not supposed to speak of things so old

but i found a few words that were carved in stone

lying on the floor of perry lake

and these words were the diary of the devil himself

tellin stories of people down in hell

and how, he actually fell

I had a younger brother

he always envied me

one day he tied me to the anchor

and threw me in the lake

are you the long lost younger brother

and did you watch me drown

did you jump in after me

Nephilim Blood

I saw Nephilim blood trailed out on the road

and with your battled bones you lead me to your home

but a burned out desert cave was all I found

we tried to live like Triassic kings but the pride in our blood soaked through our dreams

im too young to die i am just my fathers child

born a different race i am really just like you

I saw an Island dog hiding in the trees

and in his eyes i saw a portrait of the fall

you wash your hands with Nephilim blood

you wash your hands with their blood